Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can babies go Fedex?

Funny how something as simple as a cardboard box brings so much joy to a child's life...especially in comparison to all the fancy toys in the world! I love her so much.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quick Adoption Day Slideshow

An absolutely amazing day boiled down to just 68 seconds!!!

Happy Adoption Day!!!

I'm sorry to those of you that follow this blog about my deliquency in posting current updates and pictures. All I can say is I'm a daddy now and bound to make some mistakes...please forgive me!

Today was a great day...it was adoption day!!! The day when Kylie officially became ours forever! The cool thing that we learned is that Kylie will get a brand new birth certificate, with her new name and with our names as her birth parents. That is such an awesome picture of what God does for us when he adopts us as his sons and daughters. Our names are changed as well and all evidence of our previous life is erased and we are completely new!

After the official ceremony, Mommy wanted to commemorate this special day with pain....I mean beauty. Krista wanted to get Kylie's ears pierced. Daddy needed some convincing...but eventually gave in. (I have a feeling that this will become a more common occurrance in my life.) Needless to say, and true to form Kylie did great and looks so pretty. Check the video below for the play by play.

We then decided to head on out to lunch with Krista's family to celebrate the day's events. The most ironic thing happened when the waitress came up to introduce herself..."Hi, my name is Kylie and I'll be your server today." One reason why Krista picked the name Kylie was because it was unique. So either there are a lot more Kylies out there (which I'm sure there are) OR God has a sense of humor? By bet would be a little of both...but more on the second one!!!

What an amazing day!!! God is so good!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Smile that Lights Up a Room

There is just something so real, so genuine, so engaging about a baby's smile...don't you agree?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kylie's Shower Slideshow

Hey guys-

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything. We've been so busy running all over the place with Kylie. It's been so wonderful how awesome everyone has been and especially how generous everyone has been with their time, money, and gifts. We can't thank you guys enough. It's amazing to think that she was 8 weeks old this past saturday. She's changed so much already...check out this slideshow I put together for a Shower we had in Chattanooga last weekend to see how much she's changed. Thanks again. Love you guys!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kylie busts a move!!!

While Kylie is technically unable to walk...unbeknownsed to us SHE CAN BUST A MOVE!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

What are you thinking?

Since becoming a father (which is incredibly weird to just say), I've begun to think a lot more about me...what I say, what I do, who I am. I have these eyes that follow me around with this intense stare. I want to ask her, what are you thinking??? What are you staring at? Of course, there's no response, but I know something is going on inside that head of her's. She definitely taking it all in...and that's what scares me. It's like that new geico commerical with the money that just stares the guy down with that song playing in the background. I can't wait until she starts talking so she can tell me what's on her mind...well maybe I can, cuz she awfully cute just the way she is now...although...it would help to know what's going on at 3am when she wakes up crying....I'll take my chances though. I'd rather have her in a crib beside us screaming than out with a boy, but that's a whole other commentary for a whole other day. Isn't she getting chunky? I love her so much!