Monday, April 6, 2009

What are you thinking?

Since becoming a father (which is incredibly weird to just say), I've begun to think a lot more about me...what I say, what I do, who I am. I have these eyes that follow me around with this intense stare. I want to ask her, what are you thinking??? What are you staring at? Of course, there's no response, but I know something is going on inside that head of her's. She definitely taking it all in...and that's what scares me. It's like that new geico commerical with the money that just stares the guy down with that song playing in the background. I can't wait until she starts talking so she can tell me what's on her mind...well maybe I can, cuz she awfully cute just the way she is would help to know what's going on at 3am when she wakes up crying....I'll take my chances though. I'd rather have her in a crib beside us screaming than out with a boy, but that's a whole other commentary for a whole other day. Isn't she getting chunky? I love her so much!


  1. Chunky she is - but good baby chunky. I just want to pinch her cheeks!!

  2. I think she's got a ways to go until she hits the "chunky" category! But definitely adorable :)
