Who would have thought...only 3 weeks ago we turned in our adoption profile to Mike Jennings (our adoption attorney and friend). Everyone who's embarked in the adoption process has told us that the process takes a while and don't get frustrated. We were already in Chattanooga this past weekend visiting our in-laws. Sunday afternoon we were eating at Burger King when I got the call from Mike asking if we'd be interested in a little african-american girl born the night before. Mike said that he still had to talk with the mom, but he'd get back to us, but to talk with Krista in the meantime.
My mind was racing...talk about not being prepared...we had nothing! We got back in the car and started the drive back to Nashville. As we were pulling out of the Burger King parking lot, I turned to Krista and said "that was Mike Jennings." Krista turned to me with a look I'll never forget and said "AND..." I said "He said that he might have a little girl for us."
Needless to say, the next 100 miles was an emotional rollercoaster. Krista and I were like one of those old scales that has weights on both sides to equal out...the only problem was that one of us was up while the other was down...each one of us encouraging the other that yes, we could make this work! So, when Mike called back and asked if we were still interested...we both never doubted it for a second. We got to our house in Nashville, unpacked, repacked, and was back on the road to Chattanooga. Krista got on the phone to her mom and told her what was going on. Within minutes Kathy (my mother-in-law) had notified half of Chattanooga about our little girl and by the time we got back to Chattanooga we had enough formula, diapers, clothes, blankets, etc. to clothe an infant army...God is good!